Applications must be sent from 31st March to May 15th 2023.



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The final estimated price is :

1 . Copy of a valid identity document

2. Curriculum vitae In European Format 

3.A unique pdf file that can include an original scientific work (thesis, scientific paper) related to natural substances

To compete for the Biagio Albero della Beffa Award
To this end, in accordance with articles 19, 46 and 47 of the D.P.R. 28/12/2000 n. 445 regarding
Administrative Documentation, and aware of the penal sanctions, in the case of false declarations,
formation or use of false documents, referred to Article 76 of the Presidential Decree mentioned above,
that the above data are true;

that the attached documents conform to the original;
to be aware of and accept all the rules contained in the competition announcement.
The undersigned declares to be informed that the personal data collected will be processed in accordance to
and for the purposes of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (RGPD) with the methods and for the purposes set out in
the selection notice for who sends this application and authorizes their treatment.
The undersigned is committed to promptly communicate any changes in the above data.


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