Luigi Milella
Università degli Studi della Basilicata
Luigi Milella
Current Position: Luigi Milella, PhD is Associate professor in Pharmaceutical Biology, at the Department of Science, MSc in Pharmacy, University of Basilicata (Italy).
Research activity and interest: Luigi Milella carries out research focused on the study of the chemical structure, biological activity, of natural compounds coming from different sources, either foods or medicinal plant species. He carries also out studies on medicinal plants used in folk medicine of European, Latin American, African and Asian countries to isolate and characterize secondary metabolites with interesting biological activity. Luigi Milella has been visiting professor at different European Universities and also at the Oregon State University (USA). His research activity is proved by the above mentioned research paper and also he is author of 2 Book chapters published “Gallotannins in Food” Springer; “Analysis of meroterpenoids” Elsevier. He is Associate Editor of different journals indexed on WOS.
Ongoing Research funding’s projects
FULLNESS, Italian Ministry of the Economic Development
ALIMINTEGRA, 2019-2021, Regione Basilicata.